Our oldest child was in kindergarten with the rest of the ankle biters of his age range and he made quite a name for himself on a number of occasions.
He was in the basement of the school with his classmates as they were getting dressed to go home. It was a cold and bitter day so the teachers were bundling them up with their coats, scarves, winter shoes and whatnot when the parish pastor comes down to visit and maybe help corralling the little urchins.
Father asks a easy question for 5 and 6 year olds to answer. He asked,"What are some funny things that happen at your house?" One kid says that his dad likes to put ice cubes down the back his mothers pants. The kids start to snicker. Another kids says that his mother kicks the car tires when she locks the keys in there. The wee ones start to laugh a little more.
My kids says, "MY dad calls brussel sprouts FART BALLS!" Now all of the kids are laughing and no one is cooperating with getting dressed and the good father wanted to have a talk with me. Uh oh.
My eldest daughter was quite musical when she was very young. We had wooden chairs at the dinner table and she could make them reverberate like someone was ringing a bell to borrow from Chuck Berry. The kid had a talent that could make your eyes water.
My wife told her that if she kept it up that they would be fur on the chair. After thinking about it for a quick second she said, "Na uh. If that was true, dads car seat would be covered! We called her the angel of the obvoius ever after that.
Our youngest child has a gift for cooking. She could make a juicy steak out of a head of lettuce and a jar of mustard. She's that talented. When she was 12, I told her that she was never going anywhere as I was going to chain her to something that didn't move. She looked at me and said, "Dad, I'll probably be the one to put you in a nursing home. Ya want a good one?" At least that's how I remember it.
My fathers curse has come true. I have 3 that were just like me and I'm fine with that.
All blessing, no curse.